Proposition A!

We need to make Travis County an affordable place to raise a family. Investing in childcare helps to lower incarceration rates, lower healthcare costs, and increase workforce participation.

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Proposition A


Community Benefit

Investing in childcare helps everyone. It lowers crime rates, cuts down on healthcare costs, and leads to a better-educated workforce. When parents have reliable childcare, they can go back to work sooner, which helps their families and boosts our local economy.

Addressing Affordability

Childcare in Travis County costs over $13,000 a year—more than tuition at a state college. By setting up a local fund to make childcare more affordable, we can ease the financial strain on working families and make sure every child has access to quality care, no matter their background.

Increasing Availability & Access

Over 4,300 kids are waiting for state childcare help, some for up to two years. There aren’t enough childcare options, especially for nontraditional hours. Investing in childcare will provide more kids with safe, reliable, and enriching care.

Supporting Working Families

Affordable childcare is crucial for parents who need to work or want to go back to school or job training. By expanding childcare services, we help parents keep their jobs and build careers, which strengthens our community and economy.

Early Childhood Development

Good early childhood programs have a big impact on kids' futures. Children who attend these programs are more likely to do well in school, graduate, and go to college. By investing in childcare, we’re investing in our children’s future.

Enabling the Workforce of the Future

Quality afterschool and summer programs help kids build academic and career skills, stay healthy, and provide a safe place when school is out. This supports working parents and prepares kids for the future.

Supporting Education & Employment

Access to childcare doesn’t just help parents work; it also leads to better education outcomes for kids. It helps parents balance work and family life, leading to happier families and a stronger community.

Workforce Investment

Investing in childcare also means better pay for childcare workers, many of whom are women of color. This reduces high turnover rates, providing stability for both workers and the families they serve.


Both early childhood and afterschool programs provide healthy meals and snacks, which helps fight hunger and promotes better nutrition and health for our kids.